I'VE HAD A DAY by Micaela

Today in days...

Bad Day:

- Missed the bus.

- A new breed of insane evangelist is everywhere in downtown Brooklyn, illustrating how we are damned to hell if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our savior using a huge easel and painting primitive, completely canned, and utterly senseless symbolism. 

- Roan's shoes are too tight. I try to carry him the 6 blocks to the train but he's too heavy so I make Roan walk in his blue stripey socks. Dirty looks for miles.

- Late to meet my mom to give her Roan while I went to the dentist.

- I went to the dentist. He found a surprise cavity while digging out the first one. 

- Two hours in a dentist's chair that was definitely made before the advent of ergonomics. Practically upside down. Ouch and barf.

- Upon leaving with my exhausted, shoeless child at 5pm - the witching hour for taxis - a rich middle-aged lady literally leaps in front of me and steals our cab. Steals. She just looks at Roan and looks at me straight in the face and says "I'm in a rush". I say, "are you kidding me? You're stealing a cab from a woman with a shoeless child??", and then curse her and her bad karma into eternity.

- Roan and I both burst into tears and stand on the median for another 10 minutes trying to find another cab.

Good Day:

- Finally too warm for a coat!

- Lunch with Aggie. She teaches Roan how to give wet willies.

- In the bathroom at the Diner I hear a girl talking to herself. I realize that, no she's not loopy, she's reciting Shakespeare. I come out of the stall and see a girl of about 18 standing in front of the bathroom mirror practicing a sonnet. I told her she nailed it. 

- Free babysitting from my ever generous mom. She takes shoeless Roan to the park while I'm at the dentist. Thanks GS!

Back at home at last. Decided to celebrate this bad/good day with Turkish food delivery. 


After dropping my phone so many times that I rendered it impossible to both see and hear on, I just got myself a new phone with a snazzy new feature. Enjoy!


I don't know when I got it in my head that this would be a good idea, but I decided I wanted to do a sugar detox. Maybe after all of the holidays and this horrible endless winter I felt like I needed to reset my body and my eating habits for spring.

In any case, I found all this stuff online about how when you eat sugar it does the exact same thing to the dopamine receptors in your brain as nicotine or alcohol. Then I bought a book "The Blood Sugar Detox Diet". This detox purports to rid the body of all manner of toxins and who the hell wants toxins anyway? Surprisingly, Sam was game to detox too. Sam has never had to restrict his eating in his life. I once asked him if there was anything he wouldn't eat and he thought about it for a minute, and then said, "I don't think I'd eat another human being".

We are on day 5 of the detox, which means no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no dairy, no carbs, very few fruits, no grains, and even no beans for 5 days. What the hell do we eat then?  Nuts. Lots and lots of nuts.  And seeds.  Our pantry looks like it was stocked by Tweety. Conversely, we also eat a lot of eggs. And a mountain of dark leafy greens and other vegetables. Like a goat.  So it's like a petting zoo here.    

Despite the detox's assertions that we will feel like superheroes any day now we are both still tired and cranky. But that's kind of the point, isn't it?  I was trying to recall the last time I went an entire day without any sort of caffeine... uuuummmm 13 years old?  12?  Hell, it was the 80's and Tab was ever present in our house so maybe I was even younger.  And the fact that I've had splitting headaches every day since I've given up caffeine indicates to me that perhaps my head was a little too reliant on the stuff to function. 

We'll see how this wackadoo self-experiment progresses but it's been interesting to see how strongly my body has reacted to giving up a bunch of stuff I don't actually need to eat in order to live. I think I will change some habits as a result of this but I am still counting the hours until I can imbibe a luscious, creamy (decaf soy) latte....

THE SEVEN by Micaela

A few months ago my friend and landlady Noemi, who is an amazing prop stylist,  asked if she could borrow some of Roan's old Halloween costumes and his bike for a photo shoot.  It turns out that the shoot, called "The Seven" was by none other than Pamela Hanson for none other than CR Fashion Book, former EIC of French Vogue Carine Roitfeld's new baby. In return for the favor Noemi gave Roan a massive tow truck with a Jeep to tow (never you mind that I was the one who sewed and hot glued the costumes until my fingers felt like hot pokers, but that's the way isn't it?)

Today on a whim I wandered into a magazine store, saw the CR logo, picked up the magazine and it literally fell open to the images below from the very shoot.  Weird, huh?  Here is a sampling of images. I love the shoot!  It's fierce and whimsical at the same time, not an easy feat.  Although, apparently the little boy wearing Roan's costume refused to wear the hat (amateur!) I still think he looks pretty cute.

Riding Roan's bike!

The Original

#TBT by Micaela

This photo I have thanks to my fabulous cousin Melanie, the family historian on my maternal grandmother's side.  

Lest you might think that giving your children crazy names is a new trend, here is a sampling of the names from my family in small town Mississippi circa the late 1800s - early 1900s:

Patience Peacock  

Minnie Maude
(my grandmother, named after a cow and a horse)

So suck it, Apple Martin and Moon Unit Zappa! Weird names are a time honored tradition in this family going back four generations. 

Here's Tally Lula, my great grandmother with three of the aforementioned crazy-named kids. Triplets.  Yes that's right, triplets.  In Mississippi. In 1897.  Ouuuuch.

Unfortunately the two boys died within two days of each other when they were about 18 months old, of what no one really knows. Oh, and the man, Abizer my great grandfather with 2 of their other kids, died when he was kicked in the head by a horse, leaving Lula to raise 8 surviving kids by herself. When people harken back to the good old days when life was simpler, is this what they are talking about?  Because I'm pretty certain this was not simpler than having indoor plumbing and vaccinations.

But I digress.  Happy #tbt folks!

From left, Noah, Abizer, Hosea, Tally Lula, and the triplets Dudly Dewey, Sherley Schley, and Ozella Rovella (though not necessarily in that order)


 The language of friendship is not words but meanings
 – Henry David Thoreau

I was told a dream the week that Lula died that has had a profound effect on me.  I asked my friend Dave Cooper, painter, illustrator, photo editor, guitar player, and all-around nice guy to paint the dream.  This is what he created.  It's called Lula & The Cantaloupe Balloons.  I adore it.  It's whimsical, joyous, and makes me smile and cry all at once.  Thank you Dave, what a great friend you are.

Lula & The Cantaloupe Balloons by David Cooper


You may have noticed that I gave the blog a little pre-spring scrubbing. I Hope you like it! 

Note that there are two new features on the blog:  I have added links to other blogs I like to follow.  Check them out!  Send me yours if you think I would like it too. Also you can now see my Instagram Feed. 

For a girl with no paying job I am crazy busy, which is always my excuse for blogging black-outs, but it is indeed really true.  I have managed to get myself on committees, boards, fundraisers, gala co-chairs, etc which all sounds terribly WASPy to me but it reality involves doing much the same as when I was a photo shoot producer, except A) I don't get paid and B) the work is truly meaningful to me.

I am also trying to update my very neglected website in time for the launch of a fantastic artists collective that I am really excited to get to be a part of called www.fiercelycurious.com

All good things! Stay tuned! Pray for Spring!

DRIVE BY by Micaela

All this endless snow has led to a lot of unplanned cab rides. On the way to Roan's new gymnastics class in Greenpoint (which is fantastic btw, www.thegympark.com) from Fort Greene I aimed my phone out the window to see what there was to see.


I hate hospitals.  Have I mentioned that before?  A million times or so?  It starts with navigating a frustrating labrynth of buildings/elevators/hallways/offices.  I'm not even in the doctor's office and already the smell, as though every hospital in New York sprays itself with the same disinfectant made to smell like stale paper and bleach, tightens my lungs.  The nauseating fluorescent light, the click-click-click acoustics on the tile floors, walking, looking, until you find the office with cheap industrial carpeting and polyester furniture.  

There's always a sad stack of worn books and toys slumped on a table somewhere. You are handed a clipboard.  The minute I start filling and signing, filling and signing each paper, the feelings I had being here with Lula pour back into me, filling me from my toes upward. It is a place so devoid of life and joy and decent lighting.  It drains your personhood. Everything looks frightening from in there.  

I used to have to mentally recover from every doctor's appointment, even if there was no bad news (there was never good news, so no bad news was good news).  It got quicker over time but in the beginning it took a full day to feel the warmth of the world again.  I could never imagine how doctors and nurses could stand to work in that environment.  My own mom, a nurse, would strip off her scrubs the minute she walked in the house and immediately put them in the wash.  Of course this was mostly because of all the super-germs that hospitals carry, but I think also she wanted to bring no part of the aura of a hospital into her home.  

Most people think they hate hospitals because seeing sick people makes them sad, but I think it's more than that.  Life is reduced to science, distilled to it's most basic functions and elements and whether or not they are working properly.  No one thinks of themselves in this way in their normal life.  As in, "What do you do for a living?", "Oh I inhale then exhale, then inhale then exhale, and my blood flows and my heart pumps and then I'm a graphic designer with a wife and two kids".  The actual space itself - devoid of anything but science- creates that very sense of distance from your meaningful life.  I have wondered how differently these interactions would be if the doctor had to come to your house to give you bad, or complicated, news. 

Obviously, it's a doctor's job to see all those little functions, molecules, genes,etc. That's how they can find the things that ail us.  But the disconnect between their science and your life means that mentally you have to join the two together to make any sense of it all.  

I am thinking of this now is because I have been following the two recent cases of brain death and families at odds with doctors of Jahi McMath and Marlise Munoz, which are both discussed in this article in the New York Times. While Jahi McMath has been declared brain dead and therefore technically fully dead by her doctors despite her families wishes,  Marlise Munoz has been declared brain dead but not technically dead by her doctors because she is pregnant and therefore being kept alive against her families wishes.  I feel such agony for these families.  Regardless of who is "right" or "wrong", nothing could be worse for a family than to have to work through end of life care with a medical team that they don't feel respects their views. 

The first thing to note is, as my geneticist would say is, "the more you know, the more complicated it always gets, never simpler". The medical establishment can no longer even agree on what death is.  All of their brilliant scientific discoveries have led them to this grey area, but rather than acknowledging that it is indeed a big fucking conundrum they have created, each doctor (in different states) decided to make a non-negotiable decision despite the real life implications for the families. Even if it's proven that everything they did medically for their patients was perfectly sound, the hospital teams should see themselves as failures in both cases.  

It is absolutely imperative that the family feel that they are a team with their doctors.  It is impossible to feel right about letting your child die with people you do not trust.  If a doctor cannot get to that place with the family they should have the confidence and humanity to pass the case to another doctor.  If a doctor or a hospital just overrules a family they traumatize them all over again.  As a standard things like intubation should be discussed with families and patients beforehand, no matter how "routine" the procedure.  Living wills should be discussed and encouraged (and free) at every opportunity (how about, for example, signing up as an organ donor entitles you to a pro bono living will?)

When we were at the PICU with Lula trying to decide whether or not to put in a tracheostomy tube,  I don't think I ever could have signed her DNR if her PNP Betty Keating, who had been with us since the early days, hadn't literally been holding my shaking hand.  And were it not for Dr. Howell the attending at the Weill Cornell PICU, who was so gentle and maternal and warm while being so professional, who never ever made us feel like there was any rush, and Dr. Phillips whose soft southern voice and quiet temperament stayed with us throughout the hours that her breathing slowed and slowed and slowed, the experience would have been torture for us no matter how much we were assured that the morphine drip in her arm promised a painless death.

These words "soft, gentle, maternal, quiet",  I think are not usually the traits that make somebody want to become a doctor.  But they are every bit as crucial to care as being good at science. The chief attending that day, a sauntering self-assured doctor who led his pack of residents around from patient to patient like a tour guide, came to use a few hours after we decided that we would, at some point, take Lula off of oxygen to let her die and asked us "are you going to do this thing now?  Because my shift is done soon, but I'll stick around if you're going to do it now".  I didn't have the energy to tell him what a fucking assholish thing that was to say.  I wanted to snap, "thanks but I think my daughter can die without your help".  Though he was a perfectly good clinician I couldn't wait for him to leave.  I didn't want him and his type -A energy around at all. And yet I think he really thought he was doing us a favor. Once he was gone I felt safe enough to let her go.

This is probably the one time in my life I had wished I was religious.  We were offered a minister or priest or rabbi many times.  I don't believe in any of their scriptures but I yearned for someone who had really thought about how the living experience death of a loved one.  I feel like doctor's need a staff philosopher.

The truth is that ultimately the families are not the doctor's patient and therefore they are not paid anything for dealing with them. There is no financial incentive, and since medicine is still an entirely for-profit venture, and not a basic service of a functional society, this is unlikely to change much. But there is a glimmer of hope. A recent article in the New Yorker (which, unfortunately you can only read online if you are a subscriber) describes an emerging field in pediatric medicine called a PACT team (Pediatric Advanced Care Team), described as "a diverse team (made up of doctors, nurses, case managers, bereavement specialists and others) that can address the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of chronically ill children".   Oh my God, how we could have used this from the very beginning of Lula's diagnosis! Really every family facing chronic illness needs a team like this.

Until our method of compensation to doctors and hospitals is no longer contingent wholly on medical procedures and interventions this is unlikely to become a standard.  One doctor who was a founder of the PACT concept was told by another doctor "you are throwing your career away".  WTF?  That right there shows how fucked up this system is.  Shouldn't the goal of all doctor's be making patients lives easier, healthier, less painful rather than sticking them with sharp objects and filling them with drugs? They can argue about the definition of "death"  all they want, but I think that until doctors are taught a holistic approach to medicine and then are compensated for care as much as for procedures, families and doctors will be in two separate universes, struggling to meld them together.


It has been really REALLY cold here the past few days as I am sure everyone has heard about endlessly in the news.  However, I will note that A) In Iron River, MI where my mom is from it was -32º F without the windchill, whereas it was a balmy 8º in Brooklyn, and B) I saw a guy walk into a coffee shop yesterday, order coffee, sit down and work on his laptop while wearing no shoes or socks whatsoever.  While I don't doubt that this guy either believes way too much of what he reads on the internet or is simply batshit crazy he was not suffering from frostbite.  It is cold but it's not that cold.

I did, however, squirrel away a series of photos I took on the last day of August in case of something like a polar vortex.  It was blisteringly, horribly, soggily hot on that day so we went to Coney Island with Roan's buddies Nico, Cole, Zara, and Langston.  I would like us all to try to appreciate this kind of a day as we snuggle up under the covers and hibernate until April.  Enjoy!

Ah summertime in the city...

The livin is easy...

The fitting, not so much if you are 6ft7 like Khemenic here (with Zara and Cole)...

The rides were thrilling...

The fish were biting (with Mitro and Nico)...

The trucks were monster-sized...

The drinks were elusive...

But the ice cream was plentiful...

VERY plentiful...

The getups were quintessentially Coney...

The sea lions were envied for their large pool (though the audience was misted with a giant vapor fan)...

The penguins were confused...

Little Langston here longed for shade...

And at the end Roan collapsed in the lovely A/C of the NYC Subway.


This year has been a far brighter year than 2012.  By design I made it an easy year.  I think we all deserved that and as such Sam, Roan and I are pretty happy people who feel exceedingly loved and lucky.

I decided as a year end round up of 2013 to put together all the photos I haven't gotten around to doing anything with. They are a curious amalgamation with no discernible theme, although Roan does figure frequently.  But first, a few notes:

- In case you have any year-end cash you need to get rid of before the tax man cometh please consider giving to the awesomest non-profit for the awesomest kids:

- An incredible friend/illustrator/teacher/all-around-good-guy by the name of Ryan Sanchez has organized a massive art benefit in Savannah Georgia to raise money for victims of Typhoon Haiyan.  Over 100 artists, myself included, donated work which will be sold at the opening on January 10 and also in an online auction.  It's a chance to get yourself some incredible artwork while giving money to a very worthy cause:

- Lastly, for all those vowing to cleanse/juice/diet/run/get-up-at-6am-to-do-Pilates:  It IS important to be healthy.  It IS important to eat well and move your body daily.  It IS important to restart after a holiday filled with salted caramel chocolates and egg nog.  However, NO ONE has ever died from not having a six pack. Don't confuse health with perfection. Unless you love doing situps it's pointless.  As a wise woman once said "no one who loves me cares that much about my abs".